There are no longer any husky teams with perfect records. The good news is that the Northeasterns have finally won a game. The bad news is that the Bloomsburg Turbo-Colored Huskies lost this week.
Huskies defeated golden bears, redhawks, and tigers. Huskies did not defeat red raiders, mountaineers, ducks, and cardinals.

Below is a picture of me destroying a toilet paper tube to show support to all husky teams.

I will go destroy something too, to show my support.
'tis a wet day in Pawsylvania...
I can't believe the local huskies got beat by ducks. I saw some ducks at the park today and I wanted to beat up on them to show that real huskies would never get beat by a duck, but Mom wouldn't let me. Too bad real huskies are held back by humans.
Oh, is today "Destroy Something in Support of Huskies" Day? Again? Cool.
Our word of the day is craberic. And we do not even know an eric.
At least dem Huskies are still in da lead wid der wins. Go Bloom!!!!!
Husky kisses,
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