Maybe you are like me, sometimes your humans brings home food that they have no intention of sharing with you. I am here today to tell you that you do not have to stand for this!
Maybe you like fries. I know I do!
You don't have to wait for your humans to share. Just follow my handy tip (a tip that humans don't want you to know!):
And then you be much happier!
ooooo, so that's how it's done...
My humans buy me my own bag of fries when we go through the magic window!
I tried this on the goatmother's hand holding the Peanuts, but trust me, it didn't work.
w00fs, heehee mama and daddy share wiff me...they not like sad puppy dog eyes..
b safe,
But make sure woo have your khatsup at paw!
Woooooo, I'm gonna try that!
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo
Now we just need humans that eat french fries. Sigh.
This will solve many problems in my world.
Could you please put up a tutorial on getting the humans to buy these foods in the first place Tubey?
Waiting for the bag to show up at our house!
ROFL!! Superb advice! :)
So wise, and that's why you should be president
Turbo! HALLO! I havent seen yu in ages!!!! How's it hanging???? HEHEHE!!! Thanks for popping by.
Anyway.... I like my fries- we call them chips- with salt an vinegar on, but Mummy likes them dunked in mayo. This means she normally has to put them on a dish enyway, so I jus distrakt her and tuck in! But biting the end ov the bag? That's geenius!!! HAHAHA!!!!
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