So, this is my 999th blog post. And it's probably the last one I will do from the current Turbohouse. We will be moving to a new Turbohouse over this next weekend. It is on the banks of the lovely Lake Tubey.

In the mean time, here's a picture of me looking particularly cute to tie you over:

Good Luck with the move and you are looking particularly handsome in that photo!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You are looking particularly cute! I hope the new TurboHouse has everything you want in it.
Wooos! Awww! woo will break my heart with a face like that!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
WOW! A whole tubey lake! Pawsome!!!
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Will there be a Loch Tubey Monster?
999! Wow. Best of luck for a smooth move.
You do look handsome in the photo. Your new place looks pawsome--and to have your own lake already named for you. You are truly an awesome dog Turbo.
I voted! And hooray for your upcoming milestone! {Not so much for a move...blech...hate those things.}
999 - Ooooo, ominous, that! I hope you will get to swim now and I hope there are not too many mosquitoes.
We think it's fitting for you to do your 1000th post from your new house, on the banks of Lake Tubey. Lake Tubey is very pretty, by the way. Does it have lilypads floating in it, topped with bacon?
Be CAREFUL around that polar bear! They've been known to attack!
Trust me on that one!
Play bows,
PS: Are you sure that isn't the Turbo Ocean?
PS again: My word verification is "tubesh". Ha roo roo roo!
I think that poll question is a no brainer!! Haroorooroo!!
I think you are going to love your new home! I am imagining all the new and wonderful smells you get to experience!!
And, you are handsome as always!
Woo-hoo, Lake Tubey is lovely! Can't wait to hear about your new adventures! Prepare yourself - humans get pretty looney when its time to move. See woo in your new hood.
jack a-roo & misss moo
You are looking especially fluffy today Tubey. I was hoping your new house was large, white, situated in DC and displacing some riff raff that currently lives there.
Nice view, I wish I could go there.
This is my dog breeds website. A lot of info about different dog breeds. Feel free to take a look.
Hey Unkey Tubey!! We miss you! How is the new house going?
Your niece,
Khady Lynn
Beautiful pics. My daughter obsessed with huskies.
Hello there Turbo!
We are happy to find your blog through our other furry bloggie friends.
We hope we get to follow each others' adventures as you move to your new home.
Do visit us soon.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Is there such a thing as too cute? Because I'm pretty sure my eyes just broke, looking at that last pic.
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