I have mentioned in previous years that my Human grew up in this stupid town called Rolla, MO. They don't have a lot to be proud about there. But they have this university there that used to be called the Missouri School of Mines. Then they started calling it University of Missouri at Rolla. But now they call it MST, which doesn't stand for Mighty Siberian Turbo. It stands for Missouri [University of] Science [and] Technology. (The "University of" and the "and" are silent.)
So that school teaches humans about science and technology, apparently. I guess engineering is something like science and technology because they are famous for teaching people engineering. This St. Patrick guy is supposed to be the patron saint of engineering. My Human (who is not an engineer) said she was told that it has something to do with St. Pat driving the snakes out of Ireland. Snakes look something like worms. Engineers made worm-drives, so...
Anyway, human logic is weird.
Back to that stupid town of Rolla. Every year the M[Uo]S[a]T has a big party to celebrate St. Patrick's day. Part of the celebration involves humans buying St Pat's sweatshirts. Each year they come out with new ones. There are many engineer humans who have shirts from many, many years. Here is the design of this year's shirt:

They also have other celebrations.For example, the St Pat's Board paints the main street (called Pine Street) with lots of stinky stuff (called Alice) that has turned green. If you want to read what I wrote in 2009 about Alice, click here. Or if you doubt my spin, read this link. Here's more about the painting of Pine Street for you scholars.
Although, I did not make it down to Rolla during my campaign for the US House of Representatives, I have a feeling that the citizens and visitors to Rolla would have been very receptive to the message of this dog running for office. I declared myself elected, anyway, so it's all okay.
Dear Turbo,
While I hold you in highest esteem as a friend, even I think that part about St. Pat, the worms and worm-drives is a lot of BLARNEY! Happy St. Pat's day to ye'! :)
I like the name the Missouri School of Mimes best. When they called it that, was everyone black and white like Dave and gesture a lot?!? HA roo roo roo!
Play bows,
Happy St Pats :)
Woooo, we didn't know St. Patrick was the patron saint of engineers! Mom will have to call our boy up & say "Happy St. Pat's" cause he's officially an Engineer now! Mom just likes to celebrate cause her name is Pat, too.
In fact, with the start of her last name, she is "Pat St." that must count extra.
We're going outside to eat some 4-leaf clovers.
Jack O'Roo & Miss Molly McMoo
O'Bakhon and O'Cheese fur all!
Khyra O'Wise
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! hope everyone is doing good and enjoy the day!!!
dog pens
I am suspicious of worm drives. How can they see over the dashboard of the car???
I really liked the Mighty Siberian Turbo for the name. I vote they change it! I hope your St. Patrick's Day was a good one and have a Happy Easter!
Cheers to you Turbo!
Homeowner Insurance
.,Hey I hope you enjoyed your St. Patrick's Day.,hope your St. Patrick's day was a good one.
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