It's dreary and stupid outside today. I guess that is a good weather metaphor for a week that 50% of the husky league members won and 50% did not win:

The Northern Illinoises beat some rockets, The Michigan Techs scored more points than some bulldogs (sorry dogs!), and the Connecticuts defeated the color orange.
I was sad that the Bloomsburg Turbo-Colored Huskies did not score more points to some golden bears. Also the Washingtons did not win against some ducks and the Saskatchewans ended their season with a non-win against some thunderbirds. (I hate thunder!)
In closing, here's me:
How can you not beat a duck? I think those guys need a few goats on the team.
We were thinkiing, since when does a Husky retrieve balls or follow rules anyway? As long as the Football Huskies annoyed someone, tripped a human, and ran away with the ball; and did not return said ball, it was a succesfull day.
Go Huskies !!!!!!
Remy and Flash
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